
The rules of publishing scientific papers in “e-Dentico” bimonthly


The rules of publishing scientific papers in “e-Dentico” bimonthly


I. General provisions

1. The editorial staff of “e-Dentico” bimonthly approve for printing genuine, experimental, demonstrative, casuistic and historical papers as well as case studies based on clinical practice.

2. Papers should be submitted via electronic mail to the following email address: or to the address of the editorial office (Bestom, ul. Wigury 15a, 90-302 Łódź, Poland) on a CD/DVD data carrier.

3. Texts should be sent in text formats with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .odt, whereas any graphical elements should be in the following formats: JPEG, TIF, GIF, BMP, EPS. Charts, diagrams and figures, which include a text or other values in subsequent layers, should be sent not in the form of screen shots, but in their genuine form (files with the following extensions: .psd, .xls, .xlsm, .odt) in order to allow their edition and adjustment of dimensions of particular elements for the needs of printing as well as to add translation to captions included in the diagrams.

4. A given paper should be accompanied by author's/authors' declaration that it has neither been published anywhere else nor sent for publication in a different journal. Such a declaration can be downloaded from our website (“Publication author's/authors' declaration in “e-Dentico”). In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in order to minimize the risk of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”, a declaration should include a short statement concerning the contribution of each author in the process of article compilation.

5. By sending their papers, authors declare that they are entitled to personal and property copyrights to the materials submitted.

II. Paper structure

6. The title page should include:

  • paper title in English,
  • the forename, surname and academic title of each author,
  • full name of workplace with title, name and surname of its head,
  • the first author’s contact address with the name of the unit, address, postcode, name of city/town, telephone number and email address.

7. A publication should include a short (not more than 1000 characters with spaces) summary of the paper in English, as well as at least four key words (index terms) in English.

8. Genuine scientific papers should have the following structure: introduction, materials and methods description, research results and their discussion as well as conclusions. The paper should be divided into particular paragraphs with a coherent content.

9. Literature references, in an alphabetical order or according to the order of citing, should be located at the end of each paper. Only published resources should be included in the references list. Each title – starting from a new verse – should be preceded by a number and include: the surname of author/authors, initials of forenames, paper title, journal title where a given paper was published, year of publication, volume number, paper number, pages. If there are more than three authors, the surname of the first one should be used with the additional “et al”. References in the text, placed in square brackets, should be marked with Arabic numerals. Literature references can include maximum 20 titles (only the ones referred to in the text itself). This reservation does not apply to literature-based papers.

10. Any and all figures should be numbered appropriately. It is recommended not to paste them into the text of a given paper, but send as separate files with a proper name (number). Any and all tables, numbered with Roman numerals, should be provided with titles located above them.

11. In case of publishing photographs that enable identification of patients / participants of research studies, authors are obligated to obtain prior consent from the patients.

12. Authors declare that any treatments / studies described in their articles were carried out in accordance with the applicable ethical standards and principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975.

III. The procedure of publishing and reviewing

13. The editorial staff reserves the right to make stylistic changes and corrections of minor mistakes in the subject matter (e.g. distorted terminology, surnames, etc. occurring as a result of authors' mistakes) as well as to shorten texts without prior consent from the authors.

14. The editorial staff reserve the right not to publish submitted papers (among others in case of plagiarism or autoplagiarism, when a given paper does not correspond to the profile of the journal, if the level of the paper is not sufficient to allow for its acceptance by a reviewer, etc.).

15. Papers submitted are subject to a reviewing procedure by external specialists appointed by the Editor-in-Chief. The reviewing procedure is carried out according to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The editorial staff shall make every effort to ensure that appointed reviewers are competent in the field a given paper refers to and that the reviewer and the author of the paper are not in a close personal relationship (kinship to second generation, legal partnership, marriage) or in a work relationship and have not been cooperating with one another within two years preceding review compilation. In other situations, reviewers must sign a declaration stating no conflict of interests. The editorial staff shall strive to avoid any conflicts of interests or other circumstances that may reduce social credibility of the reviewing procedure. During the reviewing procedure, the principles of confidentiality and anonymity are kept according to the double-blind review process. The names of reviewers of particular papers are not revealed.

16. According to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in order to counteract ghostwriting and guest authorship, authors of a submitted paper specify in a written declaration the contribution of every person in the compilation of the publication (including affiliation and extent of contribution, i.e. who is the author of the concept, assumptions, methods). The author submitting a given paper is primarily responsible for the work. The editorial staff informs that practices such as ghostwriting and guest authorship display signs of negligence and any such case shall be exposed and proper entities shall be notified of that (institutions employing the authors, science societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.).

17. All papers submitted, after passing the formal editorial evaluation and eliminating data that enable identification of authors, are handed over to reviewers who are not employees of the business entity in charge of publishing the journal. Having completed the reviewing procedure, the authors of a given paper are informed by the editorial staff of its results as well as are given a possibility to get access to the review. If any critical remarks are included in the review, the authors are obligated to make suggested corrections under pain of refusal to publish. A review is compiled in writing and shall include a distinct conclusion as regards either allowing publication of a given paper or a necessity to make required changes by the authors and re-submit the paper for review, or rejecting the paper.

IV. Final provisions

18. As far as a separate agreement with a given author (authors) does not provide otherwise, the publisher of “e-Dentico” journal acquires, on the basis of exclusivity, all copyrights to the papers printed (including the right to distribution in print, on electronic data carriers, i.e. CD/DVD, etc., as well as on the website of Bestom Authors are not paid remuneration for published papers; the editorial staff do not accept fees for the publication of articles. 


Tagi: ENG, regulamin


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